Guests Artists

Thomas Gansch - Austria

Keli Band - Albania
Keli Band is a well-known group created more than 11 years ago. This group consists of very important artists of the Albanian scene who are part of various events in the country such as the cultural institutions like National Theater of Opera, Radio Television Symphonic Orchestra, professors at the University of Arts in Tirana, etc.. Keli Band has been part in many famous programs at the national televisions or even the most important cultural events in the country and abroad.
The aim of this band is to preserve folk music by intertwining it with centuries-old instruments together with modern elements and electronic equipment.

Kamela Islamaj - Albania (singer,pianist,vocal coach)
Born in Korce in 1987, she starts her piano lessons in 1992 at the elementary school of her native city for eleven consecutive years. She participates in different piano competition and gets the chance to be rewarded and praised by different names of the Albanian Piano Cathedra. At the same time she develops a passion for singing, taking part in the School Choir, Children Festivals and finally her Albanian breakthrough in a TV show called “Ethet e se Premtes Mbrema” where she enters in the 10 finalists.In 2004 Kamela decides to move her life in Tirana where simultaneously studies piano with Professor Nora Cashku and
completes her studies at “Jordan Misja” artistic lyceum of Tirana with excellent grades. In Tirana Kamela starts developing new singing projects and there she starts working as a Jazz singer with the Gent Rushi Trio for different events/concerts in Tirana. In 2006 she gets accepted in the Academy of Arts of Tirana where she studies under the auspices of Prof. Fatmir Hysi completing her studies and getting a degree in Musicology with excellent grades. Simultaneously Kamela works in the biggest Albanian TV channel as a full time singer. She participates in different Albanian competitions such as Festivali I Kenges ne RTSH (awarded 3rd prize), Top Fest (two times awarded best Pop and Rock), Shkodra Jazz Festival, Tirana Jazz Festival. Kamela Islamaj participates in different events of the artistic life of Tirana in different musical projects such as, Genti Rushi Trio, Keli Band, Rockstock band, Top Show band and finally her newest project in collaboration with an Italian DJ called The Electric Blankets where they play neo R&B and soul. Being one of the most awarded voices in Albania she also teaches vocal techniques in the Akademia Hollywood school. And finally Kamela is one of the talent scouts and vocal coach assistants at “The Voice of Albania” cooperating with well known names of the Albanian music industry.

Giuseppe Panepinto - Italy

Albanian Horn Ensemble
Albanian Horn Ensemble it is an ensemble created 10 years before by the horn professors Andrea Canaj and Ilir Kodhima. Mostly of the artists in this ensemble are students but also colleagues from differenc orchestras in Albania. The capacity of this ensemble its really rare regarding to the technique and the range of the register, so it has been a inspiration for many composers from Albania or abroad. Also one strong point of this group, it’s the capacity of playing different arias or overtures arranged especially for them.


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